Monday, August 16, 2004


Sorry again for not posting as soon as I wanted to. I've been pulling a lot of night radio duty in the company command post (yes, we're that short-handed). So, that's really messed up my sleep schedule and it seems everyone conspires to not allow me to sleep. Sometimes, I can't fall asleep until like 0600 and then get woke up at 11 for something stupid, but then I can't get back to sleep. Anyway, things have calmed down and I've been trying to get on a normal schedule again.
The other day, I had gotten off shift at 7 am and took a little bit to get to sleep. I got woken up at 1130 with the words "sir, wake up, you're in charge." I groggily asked, in charge of what? The company, sir. Of course, my first thought was that everyone must be dead for me to be in charge. Luckily it was only b/c the XO and CO had left the area for a mission, which left me in charge. It only lasted a couple of hours, but it sure was a nice feeling. I'm definitely going to have that as a block on my officer eval (OER).
They've still been launching lots of rockets at us lately, especially since the National Convention is going on. Never heard of it? Yeah, I'm not surprised. It seems that covering big bad American soldiers defiling the most "holy city in Iraq" Najaf and killing millions of innocent civilains is more important than covering the fact that hundreds of delagates from all over Iraq are meeting right now to start drafting their own constitution. A huge step forward in making Iraq its own nation on its own terms and it's NOWHERE on the news. Very frustrating.
I promised more information on the job switch I'm about to make. As early as September 1st, I may be switching back to 2-82 FA. The relies on someone coming to replace me, but he is supposedly on the ground at Fort Hood right now and should be on the way soon. The reason that my switch date got moved up so much is that I'm the first in the chain reaction of moves to be conducted. I have to take Guy 1's job, so he can take Guy 2's so he can take Guy3's so he can take Guy 4's and so on. Not that I'm complaining too much cause I am more than ready to move out of this position. It becomes more frustrating every day for reasons I really cannot get into on such a public forum. As for the job I'll have, I'll be taking over a platoon (what I really want) conducting escort missions. I'm hoping that this will give me a much more regimented schedule and get me back sleeping normally again. It is a tad more dangerous job, but hopefully one that will leave me more fufilled than I am right now. Well, I actually have some things to do today, so I'll leave it at that. Later. Brian

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's good to hear from you and know that your okay. Good luck in your new job and keep us posted as much as you can.
Aunt Kathie